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Thursday, 22 March 2012

Nokia 5130c flash chip is not detected

Nokia 5130c-2 Flash Log

AdvanceBox SendBootCodeEx

Initialise*****trap_DCT5 DIR

************************************************** ****

************************************************** ****

BootFlashModeDCT5Ex Succeeded First Time

SYSTEM_ID_RESPONSE_BB5 (0xC0) - 0 (0x00) bytes returned
Number of Sub Blocks 7 (0x07)
Block Length : 21 (15)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
ID DWORD 0 : 00000001
ID DWORD 1 : 00000226
ID DWORD 2 : 00010006
ID DWORD 3 : 030C1921
ID DWORD 4 : 01033000
Block Length : 5 (05)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
ID DWORD 0 : 00000296
Block Length : 5 (05)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
ID DWORD 0 : 00000B22
Block Length : 21 (15)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
ID DWORD 0 : 1E200109
ID DWORD 1 : E6168D56
ID DWORD 2 : E7C47378
ID DWORD 3 : 21F62E09
Block Length : 2 (02)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
Mode Id : 00
Block Length : 17 (11)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
Hash : 9D DB FC FE 6E 73 CE D7 D8 C6 26 8C 8E B8 57 23
7 ROM_ID 15
Block Length : 9 (09)
BB ASIC Index : 0 (00) CMT
CRC 0 : 273F6D55
Checksum C5


C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\BB5_Loader\New\RAP3Gv3_2nd.fg
Boot File - Version 010.042.00
Boot File - Revision 0x0000 (0)
eBB5ProtocolType == Original
SearchFor*****trap_DCT5 : No Error - 0 (0x00)
Secondary Loader Sent...
ConfigurationRequest_DCT5 (RAM_SIZE_BB5 0x0000)..
MessageID : 01
SubBlocks : 01
1 Sub Block ID : 32 UNKNOWN
Block Length : 06
BB ASIC Index : CMT 00
Device Type : HDD 02
Device Index : FF
Checksum : C8
SearchFor*****trap_DCT5 : No Error - 0 (0x00)

ERROR: Flash Chip is NOT Detected

Please Check Phone PCB for Problems...

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/14/2012 01:56:00 PM

2700/5130c DATA_MISMATCH: RX2 Pin not Connected

2700/5130c DATA_MISMATCH: RX2 Pin not Connected

1ST BOOT : C0,07 [Rm-561] []
RAPx ID : 000000010000022600010006030C192101033000
EM 1 ID : 00000296
EM 2 ID : 00000B22
RAPx PBID : 19800006C01B8E565DF765F0E25CAAE674E2C5F8
RAPx MODE : 00
CMT 2ND Bt: RAP3Gv3_2nd.fg, Ver: 9.11.1
CMT FLID0 : 00898982-00008A31, Int NU48F512
CMT MCID0 : FFFF0000-00000000
CMT ALGO : RAP3Gv3_algo.fg, Ver: 9.17.0
CMT VPP : Internal
IMAGE : rm561__09.80.mcusw
ERASE Skipped
DATA_MISMATCH: RX2 Pin not Connected, or Used 5 Pin Cable !
DATA_BLK_ERROR at: 0x00000400, 03
ERR: CMT FLASH WRITE D_BLK C7012D0103CD000090000000F172, LN: 0x0000A0, Time: 05:52
Process Failed, Repowering Mobile


Use 7 pin cable or universal cable or usb flash

If not solve

Then try this

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/15/2012 12:17:00 PM

Nokia c6 Earpice ways Nokia c6 Speaker ways Nokia c6 Speaker problem Nokia c6 Earpice Not work Nokia c6 Earpice Jumper Nokia c6 Speaker Not working Nokia c6 Speaker Jumpering ways

Nokia c6 Earpice ways
Nokia c6 Speaker ways
Nokia c6 Speaker problem
Nokia c6 Earpice Not work
Nokia c6 Earpice Jumper
Nokia c6 Speaker Not working
Nokia c6 Speaker Jumpering ways

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:29:00 PM

Nokia c6 Vibrator Not Working Nokia c6 Vibrator Ways Nokia c6 Vibrator Nokia c6 Vibrator Line Nokia c6 Vibrator Not working when mobile in vibrate mode Nokia c6 Vibrator

Nokia c6 Vibrator Not Working
Nokia c6 Vibrator Ways
Nokia c6 Vibrator
Nokia c6 Vibrator Line
Nokia c6 Vibrator Not working when mobile in vibrate mode
Nokia c6 Vibrator  
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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:32:00 PM

Nokia c6 Charger Not Suported Nokia c6 Charging ways Nokia c6 Charging problem Nokia c6 Not Charging Nokia c6 Charging

Nokia c6  Charging ways
Nokia c6  Charging problem
Nokia c6 Not Charging
Nokia c6  Charging

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:39:00 PM

Nokia C6 camera, volume switch jumper ways solutions Nokia C6 camera Problem

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:41:00 PM

Nokia c6 Hard Reset Nokia c6 Reseting ways

Nokia c6 Hard Reset 
Nokia c6   Reseting ways

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:43:00 PM

Nokia c6 Insert sim solution Nokia c6 Insert sim card Nokia c6 sim ways Nokia c6 sim ic jumper Nokia c6 No sim card inserted Nokia c6

Nokia c6 Insert sim solution
Nokia c6 Insert sim card
Nokia c6 sim ways
Nokia c6 sim ic jumper
Nokia c6 No sim card inserted
Nokia c6 

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:46:00 PM

Nokia c6 Keypad ways Nokia c6 keypad Not working Nokia c6 keypad ic jumper Nokia c6 Keypad Solution Nokia c6 keypad problem Nokia c6 keypad

Nokia c6 Keypad ways
Nokia c6 keypad Not working
Nokia c6 keypad ic jumper
Nokia c6 Keypad Solution
Nokia c6 keypad problem
Nokia c6 keypad
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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 2/18/2012 02:49:00 PM



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Selected model: C3303
Selected com port: COM7
Selected speed port: 921600
Please, connect phone and press power button 3 seconds
Phone Detected
Sending loader1... OK
Flash ID: 08
Sending loader2... OK
Unlock - ok
If lock - not deactivate: Please make full reset *2767*3855# + input code #7465625*638*00000000#
Elapsed time: 86 second, sw ver: 3.4.0071

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 06:35:00 PM

2700c DATA_MISMATCH: RX2 Pin not Connected

2700c DATA_MISMATCH: RX2 Pin not Connected

1ST BOOT : C0,07 [Rm-561] []
RAPx ID : 000000010000022600010006030C192101033000
EM 1 ID : 00000296
EM 2 ID : 00000B22
RAPx PBID : 19800006C01B8E565DF765F0E25CAAE674E2C5F8
RAPx MODE : 00
CMT 2ND Bt: RAP3Gv3_2nd.fg, Ver: 9.11.1
CMT FLID0 : 00898982-00008A31, Int NU48F512
CMT MCID0 : FFFF0000-00000000
CMT ALGO : RAP3Gv3_algo.fg, Ver: 9.17.0
CMT VPP : Internal
IMAGE : rm561__09.80.mcusw
ERASE Skipped
DATA_MISMATCH: RX2 Pin not Connected, or Used 5 Pin Cable !
DATA_BLK_ERROR at: 0x00000400, 03
ERR: CMT FLASH WRITE D_BLK C7012D0103CD000090000000F172, LN: 0x0000A0, Time: 05:52
Process Failed, Repowering Mobile


Use 7 pin cable or universal cable or usb flash

If not solve

Then try this

Then Try Flash With Update File
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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:18:00 PM

How To Handle Water Damage Mobiles

How To Handle Water Damage Mobiles

Ever dropped your cell phone in the sink,? Did you ever leave it in your pocket and run it through the washer? It usually means you have to replace your phone, but sometimes if you're fast you can save the phone.
1. Remove the Battery. This is one of the most important steps. Don't take time to think about it, electricity and water do not mix. Cutting power to your phone is a crucial first step in saving it.
2. Dry your Phone. Obviously you need to remove as much of the water as soon as you can to prevent it from getting into the phone. Use a towel or a paper towel to remove as much of the water as possible.
3. Soak in Alcohol. Alcohol is hygroscopic (attracts water), it will dissolve all the water in the phone, which will then pour out of the phone with the alcohol. Any remaining alcohol will evaporate. Alcohol will not harm your phone but may mess up glue (from stickers and the like). Use 95% alcohol, not the regular 70% rubbing type. Do it outside!. If you use alcohol, do not follow the rest of the advice here, instead leave your phone outside for a day or two to dry.
4. Allow the phone to dry. Since you do not want to ruin your phone or lose all the numbers in your phone book, you need to allow the phone to dry. Don't try putting the battery back on to see if it works as this would risk damaging the phone with a short circuit. Leaving your phone in a bowl of dry rice will help to expedite moisture evaporation.
5. Heat your Phone. Apply enough heat to your phone to cause the water to evaporate without waterlogging your digital screen. One of the best things you can do to save a cell phone is to set it on the back of your computer monitor or TV screen over the heat vents. This is usually the perfect amount of heat to fix your phone. The convection action of the heat vents will help carry away the moisture in your phone. Leave the phone on the heat for at least 2-3 days. Another option is to leave it overnight in the oven on warm (make sure to take off the battery first).

6. Test your Phone. After you have waited 3 days, make sure everything is clean and dry looking and re-attach the battery to the phone and see if it works. If your phone does not work repeat step 4. If it still won't work, try taking your cell phone to an authorized dealer. Sometimes they can fix it.

Tips :

§ Don't put the battery on for at least 3 days or longer if your digital screen is foggy.
Place a piece of satin finish scotch tape over your water damage sticker before you drop your cell phone in the water to prevent the water damage sticker from voiding your warranty. This sticker can usually be found under your battery. It's a small round white sticker, possibly with dots on it. If this sticker gets wet it changes color and your phone is marked for water damage.

§ Remove the tape if you ever have to return your phone for repairs or warranty. (See the note in the 'Warnings' section about doing this!)

§ The best way to dry out your phone is to place it in front of an air conditioner or air conditioning vent. Cold air won't damage your phone (hot air can warp or in extreme cases even melt plastic), and air from an air conditioner is dry, and so will evaporate water faster than you might think (which is why a car air conditioner will de-mist the windshield so effectively, even if the engine hasn't warmed up yet). Warm air from a reverse-cycle air conditioner works even better, of course. If you dry your phone in this way overnight it should be fine by the morning.

§ Use a hairdryer set on warm; it won't melt your head so your phone should be safe.

§ Use a food dehydrator.

§ Use the oven on the warm setting (make sure to take out the battery)

Warnings :

§ Don't heat the battery or it could leak acid. If you use an oven or hairdryer, make sure to remove the battery first.

§ If you use alcohol make sure to do so outside, and do not apply heat in any form, not even the gentle heat of a monitor. Do not hook up the bettery till the alcohol smell dissipates.

§ Do not apply heat to your phone other than mentioned above. You don't want to melt or burn your phone.

§ Warranty fraud is naughty! If you dropped your phone in the can with your other 'droppings'--are you really going to send it in for a warranty tech to have to open? Yuck!

§ FYI, Most modern phones have more than one liquid damage indicator on them, only one visible to you (and sales/technician agents), and chances are, if the sticker under the battery is triggered (or would be, with the scotch tape trick), then the odds are that the internal stickers you can't access are tripped as well.

§ This will still result in you paying a voided-warranty fee in the long run, and it may be best to just learn from your mistake (and not make it more financially severe!).

§ Even if all these steps are followed, minerals dissolved in the water can recipitate on solder and component pins, causing corrosion or shorting. Components pins are packed so closely together in a modern cell phone that even a small encrustation can create a short, rendering the phone inoperable

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:25:00 PM




On the main screen type *#06#

Information you get from the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
first two numbers are country code that is 35 means india
TAC = Type approval code of your nokia Mobile
FAC = Final assembly code of your cellphone
SNR = Serial number of your nokia Phone
SP = Spare
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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:27:00 PM

5 Tips to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer

5 Tips to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer

Reducing power consumption helps fight global warming

Batteries can have a much longer life, if people follow just a few simple tips on how to save their power

Modern mobile phones have numerous applications installed, as well as a bunch of other features, including photo cameras, blitzes, Bluetooth devices and others. All these accessories take up large amounts of electricity from the battery, prompting users to recharge them more often. This consumes a lot of electric energy, placing unnecessary strain on power plants, to supply more juice.

Using energy-saving settings is a great way of reducing the overall electrical consumption of your phone, especially if you turn off the back light, which accounts for the depletion of the battery to a great extent. Screen-savers are also huge power drains, as they animate the screen even when the phone is still in the pocket.

New photo editing software, built into most mobile phones, are undoubtedly a great way of fine-tuning a photo on the spot, freshly after the moment it was taken. But using the blitz and the included pieces of software places great strain on the battery, which may need recharging after a couple of hours playing with these accessories. A good way to avoid this is by taking pictures in sunny spots, where additional lights are not required, and editing them at home.

Usually, if you stop an average guy on the street and take his phone, you will notice it has Bluetooth and WiFi turned on, as well as GPS, e-mail applications and several feeds, for the weather, sports results, news and whatnot. Turning all these applications off once you've finished working with them is a great way to save power. Also, when on the move, turn off the phone completely, as there's no signal anyway, and it takes a lot of power for the device to look for a connection.

Headsets are another one of life's little wonders, especially in a crowded place, where movements such as reaching inside your pocket are impossible. But you don't necessarily need a Bluetooth device for that; corded headphones work just as well. In fact, they might save you from curious glances, which are inevitably drawn to you when people think you're talking to yourself.

The next step is the easiest one – simply take care of the battery physically. Its contacts may become covered in dust or other such stuff, so cleaning them once in a while might prove to be an excellent idea. The link between the phone and the battery itself will be near perfect, and the amounts of electricity the battery will need to generate will be much smaller.

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:28:00 PM

Tips to care for your battery

Tips to care for your battery

For many users, recharging their phone batteries consists of the daily routine of plugging in the charger, and then leaving it on for a couple of hours to juice up. However, depending on your battery type, overcharging or undercharging it could result in a shorter life.

You should also understand that due to the chemical processes involved, batteries deteriorate over time. After a certain number of cycles, the battery's maximum charge capacity drops to below 80 percent of its original capacity.

Battery type Number of charging cycles
Nickel cadmium (NiCd) 1,500
Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) 300-500
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) 500-1,000
Lithium-polymer (Li-Po) 300-500

Therefore, heavy users who recharge frequently may have to purchase new batteries after a short time compared to light users. However, not every battery will reach this number of cycles before starting to lose charge. For a battery to reach its natural life, proper maintenance is necessary. Batteries may look tough, but they can be inadvertently damaged.

There are several things you can do to maximize the useful life of your battery.

Breaking in
When you first get your battery or phone, you will need to break it in. It may be necessary to fully charge and discharge the battery three to four times before it will be able to make use of its maximum capacity. This is for all battery types.

The first time you charge the battery, the phone may indicate a false full charge after 10 to 15 minutes. This is normal. Unplug and plug the charger to "restart" the charging process.

If you wish to keep your batteries aside for a period, store them in a dry and cool place. Heat and nearby metallic objects can spoil the battery. As the batteries will self-discharge after prolonged storage, you will have to break the batteries in again before use. Having said that, don't leave your rechargeable batteries dormant for extended periods. Cycle them for a full charge and discharge every so often to keep it fresh. Batteries that sit idle for extended periods of time without charging begin tend to lose their ability to hold a charge and will self-discharge.

That thing called "memory effect"
If you do not fully discharge the battery before recharging it, gradually the capacity of the battery will be reduced. This is called the memory effect, and is due to the accumulation of gas bubbles on the cell plates.

NiCad batteries are especially prone to this problem. Therefore users should try to discharge the battery fully after each use, a process called conditioning. NiMH batteries are less susceptible to the memory effect, but even then you should condition them once every one or two weeks. Li-ion and Li-Po batteries are immune from the memory effect.

For optimal talk and standby time in the long run, it is recommended that you use original batteries with your mobile phones.

Most phones beep or display a "Battery Low" message to remind you that the battery will soon need to be charged or replaced with a charged one. If you are desperate to have the phone last just that extra minute longer, you can consider immediately switching to zero ring volume, zero backlight, non-vibration mode, etc. Switching off the phone for a short while can also prolong the remaining standby time when you next switch the phone on.

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:31:00 PM



just follow th simple steps
=>open SYSTEM,
=>now you will see a option named "TURN OFF AUTO PLAY" in the sixth position from bottom,
=>right click this option,choose properties and DISABLE it.

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:35:00 PM

Check your nokia mobile quality

Check your nokia mobile quality


=>Type *#06# in your mobile
if 7&8th digit are
02 or 20 then bad quality
08 or 80 germany not bad quality
01 or 10 finland good quality
oo ogrinal quality
13 very bad quality

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:37:00 PM

How you care your mobile--tips here

How you care your mobile--tips here

Mobile phones are becoming an integral part of our daily lives. Keep your mobile phone running smoothly through extremely simple routine care tips.
1. Water And Phones Dont Mix

Dont let your phone get wet. Even slight amounts of water can corrode internal components, causing anything from the display to the memory to quit working. In most cases, water-damaged phones have to be replaced. Be sure protect your mobile phone from the elements by keeping it away from water and sand. Although we dont recommend taking your phone to the beach, if you must, then make sure to keep it in its protective case. Keep in mind that not only swimming pools pose threats to your phone. Phones can be damaged after being set on a wet bar or being dialed with wet hands. If your phone does get wet, leave it to dry. Dont turn it on or off until it has completely dried, or you might short out some of its electronics. If it does not work properly, contact the product manufacturer. Water damage will usually void your product warranty.

2. Crushing Defeat

Try not to drop your phone. Depending on what type of surface it lands on, dropped phones can suffer cracked screens or dislodged internal components. The worst damage occurs when a falling phone is connected to an accessory such as a headset, as the impact often bends or rips out the jack where the accessory connects to the phone. While youre walking around, a good way to keep your phone securely at your side is to use a belt clip or a holster. Another good reason to use a carrying case or belt clip is to keep the phone from being mashed inside a briefcase. Cracked display screens or broken antennas can result when someone tries to squeeze a handset into an overloaded briefcase.

3. The Heat Is On

As the summer in some countries can be quite extreme, dont subject your phone to harsh weather conditions. Just like you, your phone can cook and fry in the blazing heat of the sun. If you use your phone in the car, its a good idea NOT to leave it there on a sweltering afternoon. Extreme heat can damage the battery or transceiver, the part of the phone that pulls in radio signals and transforms them into voice. Similarly, use caution when using the phone in extreme cold weather. Phones do not recover from frostbite. See your mobile phone manual for more detailed information about acceptable weather conditions for your phone.

4. Zapping The Life Out Of It

A mobile phone can heat up internally if you leave it plugged into a charger or car adapter longer than the time recommended in your phones manual. Daily over charging can destroy a battery and melt internal phone components. Over charging affects the various phone and battery models differently, but to be safe, it is better to completely discharge the phones battery when it is low, rather than to partially recharge it. If your phone has a NiCad battery it is very important to completely discharge it. If the battery is Li- Ion then this is not such a big issue. See your phone manual for more information about charging your phone.

5. Sticky Fingers

Keep your eyes open and dont leave you mobile phone unattended to, no matter what company you are in. If your phone is stolen, call your network service provider immediately. As with credit cards, your provider will deactivate your phone number to prevent your account from being charged with fraudulent calls.

6. IMEI and PIN Codes

You should also keep your cellphones IMEI number and your SIM number handy in such cases. Its better to note them down beforehand than to repent later.

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Posted By MOHD ABDULLAH AHMED to GSM WORLD at 3/11/2012 09:39:00 PM


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